Scores in progress
April 2025 I will be working on "Heavy Metal". Score : C trumpet, Bb trumpet, F tuba & vibraphone. Duration : approximately 4 minutes. "Heavy Metal" is commissioned by and dedicated to Wim Cremers as a tribute to four of his topnotch favorite musicians : Guido Segers (C trumpet), Ruud Breuls (Bb trumpet), Hans Nickel (F tuba) and Danny van de Wal (vibraphone). The world premiere performance is scheduled for ???. Please prepare for a turbulent fusion between classic granite and new jack. More news to follow.....
February 2025 I have been working on "LKY". Score : violin & wind band. Duration : approximately 4 minutes. "LKY" is commissioned by and dedicated to the Mus'Art Wind Orchestra Singapore and their conductor Wilson Ong, written in honorable memory of Lee Kuan Yew, the decisive and unstoppable founding father of modern Singapore. Also, "LKY" is Mus'Art's gift to the entire population of Singapore on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the independent republic on saturday 9 august 2025. The world premiere performance is scheduled for ???. Performers : violinist Zuo Xin'Er & Mus'Art Wind Orchestra conducted by Wilson Ong. Please prepare for a proud tribute to this "land so easy to enjoy, so hard to forget". More news to follow.....
January 2025 I have been working on "De Ballade van Fliepfloep" ("The Ballad of Fleepfloop"). Score : alto saxophone & piano. Duration : approximately 4 minutes. "Fliepfloep" is commissioned by Theo Gerris and dedicated to Theo Gerris and Martien Maas, honouring Theo's wish for spun-out melody lines, surprise motifs and feelgood vamps. Meike Cremers has made the drawing of "Fliepfloep", defined in her own words as "An animal with octopus arms, 6 legs and a tail. Hair with flowers, fly eyes and 4 ears to hear the music well. Oh yes, and the little spider is a friend". The studio recording is scheduled for 2025 @ Toon Zaal 11 Stein. Please prepare for an ode to unlimited children's fantasy, highlighting "dreamy, goofy, jolly, peppy" of both "Fliepfloep" and Meike.....
June 2024 I have been working on "Pure and Honest". Score : youth wind band. Duration : approximately 6 minutes. "Pure and Honest" is commissioned by and dedicated to the Fairfield Methodist Secondary School and the Fairfield Symphonic Band Singapore. The Fairfield school motto "Pure and Honest" has been inspiringly illustrated in a written keynote for youngsters by psychologist Samantha van Hattum. "What is more important in life than a real, pure and honest connection with the world you love?" The world premiere performance took place on saturday 16 november 2024 @ Singapore Conference Hall. Performers : Fairfield Symhonic Band conducted by Yin Xuan Wong. Please prepare for a convincing pledge with fragmentary quotes from the Fairfield hymn and school song.....
April 2024 I have been working on "Royal Fun". Score : flexible instrumentation & fixed percussion. Duration : approximately 5 minutes. "Royal Fun" is commissioned by Fanfare & Drumband Eendracht Maakt Macht Koningslust on the occasion of the 80th anniversary in 2025. The world premiere performance is scheduled for 2025. Performers : Fanfare & Drumband Eendracht Maakt Macht conducted by Willem Lindelauf. Please prepare for a funky song, optionally well-suited to accompany freestyle dancing.....
February 2024 I have been working on "The Girl from Narrateema" - for my charming sounding board Mariëlle". Score : flexible winds & fixed percussion. Duration : approximately 2 minutes. "Narrateema" aims to be a sensual song of appreciation for Mariëlle Schlicher, emphasing her writing talent, aura, empathy and last-but-not-least her charms. The CD recording took place on monday 19 august 2024 @ La Renaissance Visé. Performers : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by myself. Please prepare for a bossa nova, throwing charms into play with a wink to Ipanema.....
January 2024 I have been working on "Twin Flames - from and for Sanna". Score : woodwinds, brass, string bass. Duration : approximately 5 minutes. "Twin Flames" is commissioned by and dedicated to Royal Symphonic Winds Orpheus Tilburg. Sanna Severins - my Butterfly Blessing - has revealed her visionary insights "with a Golden Lining", in which two souls are one. The world premiere performance took place sunday 2 june 2024 @ Cultureel Centrum De Stoelendans Oirschot. Performers : Royal Symphonic Winds Orpheus Tilburg conducted by myself. Please prepare for Sanna's spiritual journey on her way to herself.....
November 2023 I have been working on "Der Yeti auf Tahiti" ("Yeti in Tahiti"). Score : contrabassoon & Eb clarinet. Duration : approximately 3'30" minutes. "Yeti" is dedicated to Gabriel Götz and Theo Gerris, stimulating their senses for Swift! Swell! Swing! Suzanne Erens has written the "Yeti" amuse poem in German to accompany these nutcase notes. The studio recording took place on sunday 21 april 2024 @ Toon Zaal 11 Stein. We had some some serious fun.....
September 2023 I have been working on "Der Ötzi auf Safari" ("Ötzi on Safari"). Score : soprano sax, 2 alto saxes, tenor sax, baritone sax, wood/temple block. Duration : approximately 4 minutes. "Ötzi" is commissioned by and dedicated to Theo Gerris, honouring his wish for Mad! Minimal! Music! Suzanne Erens has written the "Ötzi" amuse poem in German to accompany these nutcase notes. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 14 january 2024 @ Wijkcentrum De Baselaer Tilburg. Performers : Mona Scholten, Paul Verboven, Claudia van Liempd, Theo van der Staak, Wim van der Heijden and Theo Gerris. Please bring your earbuds and/or earplugs.....
May 2023 I have been working on "Za Mir" ("For Peace" - "Per la Pace"). Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 7 minutes. "Za Mir" is dedicated to maestro Lino Blanchod and his famous Orchestre d'Harmonie du Val d'Aoste. Draška Vuković and Vesna Otomanček have written an inspirational plea for world peace in Croatian (translated to English by Danijela Popović and translated to Italian by Rosella Capriata), linked with an impressive painting by Slavko Dujić to guide me to the right path. The CD recording took place on wednesday 23 august 2023 @ La Renaissance Visé. Performers : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by myself. Please prepare for a "prayer" for world peace through the eyes of begging mothers and desperate fathers. "Za Mir" does not celebrate, "Za Mir" demands.....
January and february 2023 I have been working on "In Omne Tempus" ("For All Time"). Score : female voice & wind band. Duration: approximately 11 minutes. "In Omne Tempus" is commissioned by Harmonie St. Walburga Amby on the occasion of the 125th anniversary in 2023 and created in co-writership with trumpet virtuoso - composer - arranger Dave Vreuls. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 22 june 2024 @ MECC Maastricht. Performers : Imke Heitzer & Harmonie St. Walburga conducted by Jhon Willems. Please prepare for 5 aspects of Amby's past, present and desired future: a non-stop ride along street parades, evening prayers, warfare, feel-good concerts and kick-ass ambituous projects.....
November 2022 I have been working on "Astro Jam". Score : youth wind band. Duration : approximately 6 minutes. The concept of "Astro Jam" has been co-developed by astrologist Marie-Jeanne van Deuren, providing also the accompanying text, artwork and ad lib choreographic instructions. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 21 october 2023 @ La Comète Hésingue. Performers : Joint Youth Wind Band from the Netherlands, Germany and France conducted by myself. Please prepare for a starry light to shine in 6 connected movements on Chutney of Aries & Libra, Compote of Taurus & Scorpio, Curd of Gemini & Sagittarius, Spread of Cancer & Capricorn, Jelly of Leo & Aquarius and Marmalade of Virgo & Pisces. "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you" (Coldplay). Snacky astrology for youngsters.....
February to may 2022 I have been working on "The calm before the storm" (Charles Eyck tribute through the eyes of Climmy Hanssen). Score : phonetic alto voice & fanfare band. Duration : approximately 24 minutes. Commissioned by the Limburgs Fanfare Orkest, the idea of "The calm before the storm" was introduced to me by Maurice Nijsten and Dénise Bannier, pointing out that Charles Eyck's defness has been the "blessed cause" of his versatile visual artistry. I found my inspiration through the eyes of muse Climmy Hanssen, sharing her emotions about the Liberation Monument, the St. Hubertus Church Genhout vault paintings and the Praise of Folly painting. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 5 november 2023 @ IFVocallis / Sint-Jans Kerk Maastricht. Performers : countertenor Rob Meijers & Limburgs Fanfare Orkest conducted by Juri Briat. Please prepare for a high-contrast triptych on the Silence of Defness and the Salvation from War, Mortality and Mental Slavery.....
September and october 2021 I have been working on "Melandria" (Road Rhapsody). Score : baritone saxophone soloist & wind band. Duration : approximately 15 minutes. "Melandria" is commissioned by and dedicated to Niek Starmans, shining spotlights on his spectacular 1952 Buescher Big B Sax. Lizette "Ritual" Colaris has written the thrillingly inspirational "Melandria" poem, confirming her reputation as an Awesome Author. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 19 november 2023 @ Cultureel Centrum De Stoelendans Oirschot. Performers : Niek Starmans, Lizette Colaris & Harmonie De Vriendenkrans Heel conducted by Martien Maas. Please prepare for a road trip in Melandria fantasylands with stopovers on Route 66 in Sorgente, Momentum, Kasykla, Paixão Infinita and Alakváltó.....
June 2021 I have been working on "Amare è Donare" ("To Love is to Give"). Score : flugelhorn soloist, euphonium soloist & wind band. Duration : approximately 5 minutes. "Amare è Donare" is commissioned by and dedicated to Filarmonica Imolese on the occasion of the 2022 bicentennial celebration. Francesca Pedaci has written the miniature poem as a sign of the lyrics to be added ad libitum to the flugelhorn and euphonium soloists lines. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 14 may 2022 @ Teatro Comunale Ebe Stignani di Imola. Performers : Geremia Ambrosino Sarno (flugelhorn), Nicolò Simoni (flugelhorn), Giancarlo Galli (euphonium) & Filarmonica Imolese conducted by myself. Please prepare for a passionate plea for eternal love.....
April 2021 I have been working on "BLOW!" and "WMC Hymn". Score and duration of "BLOW!" : flexible instrumentation - approximately 4 minutes. Score and duration of "WMC Hymn" : wind band / flexible instrumentation - approximately 3 minutes. Score and duration of "WMC Hymn" adapted by José Schyns : symphony orchestra - approximately 3 minutes. Both songs have been commissioned by the World Music Contest Kerkrade on the occasion of the 70th anniversary in 2021. The world premiere performances took place on friday 15 and saturday 16 july 2022 ("BLOW!") @ BLOW! Stage Kerkrade and thursday 7 july 2022 ("WMC Hymn") @ Rodahall Kerkrade. Performers : 8 Copa Kapella finalists and Philharmonie Zuidnederland conducted by Jaume Santonja. Please prepare for WMC's Twin Tunes, joining Jibber & Jabber, Ruffnut & Tuffnut and Tweedledee & Tweedledum through music.....
January and february 2021 I have been working on "Glasmännchen" ("Glasmännle"/"Little Glass Man"). Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 14 minutes. Commisioned by Musikverein Fahrnau, "Glasmännchen" is inspired by the Black Forest fairy tale by Wilhelm Hauff and Céline Pellmont's vision on the healing powers of rainfall and birdlife. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 26 november 2022 @ Stadthalle Schopfheim. Performers : Musikverein Fahrnau conducted by Céline Pellmont. Please prepare for contrasting soundpaintings of the Black Forest, the Little Glass Man spirit and the granted musicians' wishes for persistance, intimacy and freedom towards the happily ever after.....
July and august 2020 I have been working on "Lisbeth Salander". Score : fanfare band & female narrator. Duration : approximately 16 minutes. Commissioned by Fanfare Monte Corona Kronenberg & Evertsoord, "Lisbeth Salander" is inspired by the fictional character created by Stieg Larsson and the narrative poem "Vi-gi-lan-te" written by Yaël Weijenberg. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 29 october 2023 @ Cultuurhuis Landgraaf. Performers : narrator Yaël Weijenberg & Fanfare Monte Corona Kronenberg & Evertsoord conducted by Bart Deckers. Please prepare for a "pierced and tattooed" turmoil of ambiguity, recklessness, hostility, violence and sensuality. A tribute to the elusive kick-ass righter of wrongs, a.k.a. grown up Pippy Longstocking.....
April 2020 I have been working on "WASH" ("Rotary for Water"). Score : rock chick & flexible instrumentation. Duration : approximately 5 minutes. The lyrics have been written by Maurice Hinzen. Commissioned by Rotaryclub Kerkrade, the poprock theme song "WASH" underlines the humanitarian goals of the homonymous project set up by Rotary International. The karaoke style recording to enable worldwide rock chick auditions took place on friday 19 june 2020 @ Wiel Hamers private studio. Current Crew musicians : Toon Deckers, Ad Hamers, Marcel Jungen, Jean Noël and Luc Scholtes. The pre-recorded livestream audio broadcast took place on friday 27 november 2020 @ Studio Musidesk Rijnbrink Deventer. Rock chick : Imke Heitzer. Please prepare for a crystal clear plea for clean water, sanitation and hygiene education.....
Thursday 26 december 2019 I wrote "Chinicuilito" ("The itsy-bitsy Mezcal Worm"). Score : flexible instrumentation. Duration : approximately 2'30" minutes. This happy "guacamole tune" is inspired by the fantasy pub quiz about Chinicuilito, Whippersnapper, Curmudgeon, Beqje, Zouzy and Máteque, created by Climmy Hanssen. The social distancing world premiere performance video was released on monday june 1st 2020. Performers : Royal Symphonic Winds Orpheus Tilburg. Please prepare for a Mariachi style waltz of 40% alcohol content.....
December 2019 I have been working on "Horizon Prophecies". Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 3 minutes. The poem to describe the music has been written by Martina Parić. Dedicated to Horizon Winds Singapore, "Horizon Prophecies" is a dynamic and energetic concert overture for both indoor and outdoor performances. The CD recording took place on thursday 26 august 2021 @ La Renaissance Visé. Performers : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by myself. Horizon silhouets will melt the frozen, horizon waves will bridge the unreachable, horizon winds will reveil the unknown, horizon prophecies will shine the light.....
October 2019 I have been working on "Andalucía y Joaquín". Score : clarinet quartet, ad libitum female voice & wind band. Duration : approximately 14 minutes. The fantasy tale about beautiful Andalucía - Daughter of the Sun and the Moon - has been written by Sebastian Lastein. The Arabic trailer lyrics and melody line have been written by Elisa Porcu. Commissioned by German Clarinets, "Andalucía y Joaquín" depicts the historic life of kings, servants, village people and gypsies in Mozarabic Spain. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 4 june 2022 @ Open Air Stage Dannstadt. Performers : Gerhard Krassnitzer, Sebastian Lastein, Dörte Sehrer, Felix Welz, Elisa Porcu, Milena Lastein & Joint Wind Orchestra Musikverein Harmonie Dannstadt - Royal Symphonic Winds Orpheus Tilburg conducted by myself. Please prepare for a thrilling adventure due to magic, superstition, envy, abuse of power and lust for life. In spite of ravishing guitars and dance however, the outcome is darker than dark.....
May 2019 I have been working on "S'Accabadora" ("She who terminates"). Score : narrator, violoncello soloist & wind band. Duration : approximately 18 minutes. The dramatic and mysterious narration in Italian has been written by Marco Angius, translated into Sardinian by Carla Asunis and translated into English by Jessica Murtas. Commissioned by Banda Musicale Monastir and inspired by the secret ritual of euthanasia in Sardinian communities, "S'Accabadora" presents the request by the desperate victim, the agony of the suffering victim, the arrival of the Angel of Death and the three final hammerblows applied by her. "Su Ballu 'e s'Arza" ("The Dance of the Black Widow Argia Spider") is an optional prologue, introducing the victim after being bitten by a lethal Argia. The tentative world premiere performances of both pieces are scheduled for sunday 7 december 2025 in Sardinia. Performers : narrator Vincenzo La Ferla, violoncellist Cristina Bellu & Banda Musicale Monastir conducted by Alessandro Cabras. Please prepare for a morbid coverage of the shadows of life. Sweet death, light from darkness.....
January 2019 I have been working on "Besijden den Vos Reinaerde". Manuscript score (unpublished) : accordion orchestra. Duration : approximately 6 minutes. Commissioned by Netherlands Symphonic Accordion Orchestra, "Besijden den Vos Reinaerde" is based on a story by Mariëlle Schlicher, presenting the Middle Dutch epic animal tale "Van den Vos Reinaerde" from a different angle by omitting protagonist Reinaerde. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 16 november 2019 @ Kerkcentrum Goede Rede Almere. Performers : Netherlands Symphonic Accordion Orchestra conducted by Tim Fletcher. Please prepare for a medieval approach of Past, Present, Vision and Future by the greedy Bruun, the fearful Cuwaert, the seductive Vuilemaerte and the untamed Tybeert. Ending with a tribute to muse Mariëlle.....
October 2018 I have been working on "Bryanna". Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 8 minutes. The fantasy tale about the Celtic amazon Bryanna - living in Caolabhuinn (later known as Cambete and Kembs) - has been written by Margot Mathias. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 25 may 2019 @ La Comète Hésingue. Performers : Project Wind Orchestra conducted by myself. Please prepare for an epic tone poem about a fascinating heroine in the saddle through the lands between the Alsatian, Black Forest and Swiss Holy Sun Mountains.....
Friday 10 August 2018 I wrote "Su Ballu 'e s'Arza" ("The Dance of the Black Widow Argia Spider"). Score : flexible instrumentation. Duration : approximately 2 minutes. After being bitten by a black spider at my Villa Sa Pavoncella garden three weeks earlier, some friends pointed out my stroke of luck that the "famous" lethal Argia had not been my deadly opponent in that very moment. Somebody must have been watching over me and therefore i composed this "Sardinian Tarantella" inside the San Carlo Borromeo Church of Carloforte, Isola di San Pietro. Close to the statue of the Virgin Mary. Please prepare for an electrifying prologue to the morbid music of "S'Accabadora".....
June and july 2018 i have been working on "Steps" (war-peace-liberty contemplations). Manuscript score (unpublished) : modern-day minstrel (singing, whispering, speaking, shouting, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, c-melody saxophone, baritone saxophone, flugelhorn, singing bowls). Duration : approximately 25 minutes. The multilingual lyrics have been written by Frans Budé. Commissioned by Vocallis Festival, "Steps" relates to the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles in a rollercoaster of memories and predictions. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 20 october 2019 @ Sint-Paulus Kerk Vaals. Performer : Huub Claessens. Please prepare for a boiling rainbow of timeless facts, half-truths and lies, proclaimed step by step by all opponents and fading away during a final reflection.....
April 2018 I have been working on "Sir Stamford". Score : flexible instrumentation. Duration : approximately 6 minutes. The acrostic to illustrate the music has been written by Yehenala Chang Gelasi Hong. Commissioned by Mus'Art Wind Orchestra, "Sir Stamford" cheers for the 2019 Singapore Bicentennial, commemorating the 200th anniversary of Stamford Raffles' landing in exotic Singapura. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 4 august 2019 @ Singapore School Of The Arts Concert Hall. Performers : Mus'Art Youth Wind Orchestra conducted by Wilson Ong. Please prepare for a short and sweet tribute to the "bold and dutiful" founder of the free port of Singapore.....
January to march 2018 I have been working on "Requiem for a Future War". Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 18 minutes. The concept of bewailing unavoidable WWIII victims through a confronting pre-lament has been fathered by Frans Geraedts. The poem to illustrate the music has been written by Vera Hofman. A-E-F-C is the four-note germ cell that - including transpositions and additional chords - embodies Anxiety, Erasure, Fate and Chaos. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 4 november 2018 @ Broekhovense Kerk Tilburg. Performers : Royal Symphonic Winds Orpheus Tilburg conducted by myself. Please prepare for an apocalyptic testimony, while running away from the inevitable on the lookout for survivors. Madness, Emptiness, Sadness. Truly the music that nobody should wish to listen to.....
September to november 2017 I have been working on "The Bridge". Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 18 minutes. Commissioned by Koninklijke Harmonie Eendracht Maakt Macht Wessem to celebrate their 150th anniversary in 2018, "The Bridge" is a testimony of my 23-year-long experiences regarding life, love and church within the Wessem community. The poem and quotations to illustrate the music have been written by Wido Smeets. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 23 june 2018 @ Wessem Boulevard. Performers : Koninklijke Harmonie Eendracht Maakt Macht Wessem conducted by myself. Please prepare for a symphonic diary full of sparkling, romantic and solemn pages. Walking on Memory Bridge, connecting yesterday, today, tomorrow, home and the unknown.....
June 2017 I have been working on "Chupito Ramiro" (paso doble). Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 4 minutes. Commissioned by HaFaBra Music Louis Martinus, "Chupito Ramiro" is dedicated to Ramiro Pérez. The poem to describe the music has been written by Rebeca Romero and Sara Barberá. The CD recording took place on wednesday 23 august 2017 @ La Renaissance Visé. Performers : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by myself. Please prepare for a boyish-and-girlish prank that will make your ears twinkle.....
April 2017 I have been working on "Mariana". Score : soprano voice & wind band. Duration : approximately 5 minutes. The autobiographical lyrics by Alessandra Mariana Mura describe the foxlike behaviour ("su mariane" means "the fox" in Sardinian language) of a solitary predator with a secretive personality, who merges perfectly into the night. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 22 october 2017 @ Chiesa Parrocchiale di Orzinuovi. Performers : Caterina Iora & Banda Musicale Città di Orzinuovi conducted by myself. The fox Mariana creates mysteries, dictates rules and hides exits. Please prepare for a confession with a hungry heart.....
February 2017 I have been working on "The Four Beauties". Score : alto flute, french horn, vibraphone & zhonghu / ad lib viola. Duration : approximately 12 minutes. "The Four Beauties" is dedicated to Amalia Tortajada, Annamia Larsson, Eli Smeplass and Rozie Hoong, honouring their exceptionally expressive talents. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 23 july 2017 @ Erenstein Castle Kerkrade. Jessica Ryckewaert has played on behalf of Eli Smeplass. Please prepare for a sensual, passionate and dramatic sound portrait in which the legendary Chinese femmes fatales Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, Diaochan and Yang Guifei revive. Their beauty and downfall being tragically connected by fate.....
Thursday 23 june 2016 I wrote "Chucker-Out" (ambiguous uitsmijter). Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 2 minutes. After waking up from surgery two weeks earlier, the Dutch "uitsmijter" got a triple hold of me. I felt like being ejected by a "bouncer", but the tasty "sandwich" afterwards seemed a proper "encore" to the medical team's performance. The CD recording of "Chucker-Out" took place on wednesday 24 august 2016 @ La Renaissance Visé. Performers : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by myself. Please prepare for a waterfall of delirious happiness, however written on pyjamas-and-sickbed-location. An encore.....
March, april and may 2016 I have been working on "Glück Auf" (deconstructed - reconstructed). Score : female voice & wind band. Duration : approximately 12 minutes. The concept of de- and reconstructing the bergmannslied/folk song (published in 1700) and the march by Johan Wichers (published in 1960) has been fathered by Frans Geraedts. Co-writer Emily Marr has been guiding me through this adventurous and experimental journey within the combined arts project SJTUB. The world premiere performance is scheduled for ??? Please prepare for an "octagonal cubist audio painting", in which the anxieties of both coal miners and their loved ones are reveiled.....
November 2015 I have been working on "Sinoči". Manuscript score (unpublished) : soprano voice & accordion. Duration : approximately 5 minutes. The lyrics have been written by Andreja Šolar and Mojca Kovačič. "Sinoči" (a yesterday's evening) is the first movement of a pentaptych tribute to South-Limburg coal miners - Machines Of Mourning - of which "Koel" (coal mine - pit - hole - collective destinies), "Vaderlament" (father lament), "Inne Sjtaatse Maan" (a stately man) and "Sjtub" (matter - dust - black lung - collective memories) are the second, third, fourth and fifth movement. The world premiere performance is scheduled for ??? Performers : Rianne Wilbers & Leo van Lierop. Please prepare for a meditation on nostalgia and uncertainty, expressed through the desperate voice of the miner's beloved left behind.....
September, october and november 2015 I have been working on "La Memoria delle Pietre" ("The Memory of the Stones"). Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 14 minutes. The astrological research, as well as the poem to describe the music, have been provided by Marie-Jeanne van Deuren. Commissioned by Banda Musicale Monastir and inspired by the art of Pinuccio Sciola, "La Memoria delle Pietre" presents the stones on our planet as angelic messengers of the universe. The world premiere performance took place on thursday 8 december 2016 @ Auditorium del Conservatorio di Cagliari. Performers : Banda Musicale Monastir conducted by Alessandro Cabras. Please prepare for a soundtrack to a non-existent movie. And feel free to create your own images of the mystery of evolution.....
April 2015 I have been working on "Land Of Thousand Flavours". Score : amplified erhu / ad lib soprano saxophone, ethnic drums & flexible instrumentation. Duration : approximately 7 minutes. Commissioned by Mus'Art Wind Orchestra, "Land Of Thousand Flavours" is a tribute to the 50-year-young-and-strong independent Republic of Singapore. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 8 august 2015 @ SG50 Jurong Green Parade Stage Singapore. Performers : Rozie Hoong & Mus'Art Wind Orchestra conducted by Tan Soh Hwa. Please prepare for champaign, orchids and fireworks translated into romantic melodies and rousing rhythms.....
January and february 2015 I have been working on "Schnaps Shots". Score : clarinet, piano, double bass & tupan. Duration : approximately 6 minutes. Commissioned by Theo Gerris, "Schnaps Shots" is a collection of 6 miniatures dedicated to the tasty liquors Becherovka (Czechia), Palinka (Hungary), Tuica (Romania), Borovicka (Slovakia), Rakia (Bulgaria) and Slivovka (Slovenia). The world premiere performance took place on sunday 14 june 2015 @ King of Italy Tilburg. Performers : Theo Gerris, Martien Maas, Jules Stoffels and Mari Spikmans. Please prepare for some rejuvenating, invigorating and intoxicating booze tunes.....
September, october and november 2014 I have been working on "1890" (sinfonietta festiva). Score : fanfare band. Duration : approximately 18 minutes. Commissioned by Fanfare Eendracht Nieuwenhagerheide to celebrate their 125th anniversary in 2015, "1890" is a three-movement mini symphony based on the four-note motif of C-G-Ab-D, including transpositions and additional chords. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 28 june 2015 @ Harmoniezaal Nieuwenhagen. Performers : Fanfare Eendracht Nieuwenhagerheide conducted by myself. Please prepare for a colourful garden of sound flowers.....
January and february 2014 I have been working on "Koel". Score : flexible instrumentation. Duration : approximately 16 minutes. "Koel" (coal mine - pit - hole - collective destinies) is the second movement of a pentaptych tribute to South-Limburg coal miners - Machines Of Mourning - of which "Vaderlament" (father lament), "Inne Sjtaatse Maan" (a stately man) and "Sjtub" (matter - dust - black lung - collective memories) are the third, fourth and fifth movement. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 29 november 2015 @ Rolduc Abbey Kerkrade. Performers : Parkstad Miners Brass conducted by Ron Daelemans. Please prepare for a rough, severe, ruthless, hammering, oppressing, dangerously boring, but macho minimal music marathon.....
February 2013 I have been working on "Keyif" (profoundly living the moment). Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 10 minutes. Commissioned by HaFaBra Music Louis Martinus, "Keyif" is a Turkish delights snapshot collection, starring Nil Eyuboglu, Flavia Eyuboglu and Semiha Karaca. The world premiere performance took place on friday 30 august 2013 @ Forum des Pyramides Welkenraedt. Performers : Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra conducted by myself. Please prepare for easy-to-the-ear tunes with a sexy oriental groove.....
September and october 2012 I have been working on "abeautifulintruder/oneindiggastvrij". Score : female voice, english horn, 4 vibraphones & "Longplayer" by Jem Finer. Duration : approximately 6 minutes. The septet concept has been fathered by Frans Geraedts. The sextet lyrics and music are based on "Eternal Music" by Karien Wertz. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 7 july 2013 @ Kunstwarenhuis VenD Kerkrade. Performers : Corinne Romijn, Karien Wertz, Tom Rössel, Actea Jimenez Fuertes, Nestor Morales Vitoria, Sandra de Jong & live streaming "Longplayer" conducted by Ingeborg Stijnen. Please prepare for minimal music on 99 words, touching both life and death.....
May and june 2012 I have been working on "Il Vento della Vita" ("The Wind of Life"). Score : 6 french horns & wind band. Duration : approximately 14 minutes. The poem to describe the music has been written by Barbara Angelini. The world premiere performance took place on tuesday 16 july 2013 @ Parkstad Limburg Theatre Kerkrade. Performers : René Pagen, Raymond Warnier, Marcel Sobol, Hans van der Zanden, Guido Rooyakkers, Stef van Herten & Royal Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides conducted by Yves Segers. Please prepare for a highly emotional and explosive tone poem with a touch of prayer and meditation.....
March and april 2012 I have been working on "Valarantea". Score : wind band. Duration : approximately 8 minutes. "Valarantea" is written in memory of Andrea Parodi, based on 4 of his songs, selected by Valentina Casalena. The world premiere performance took place on saturday 27 july 2013 @ Rodahall Kerkrade. Performers : Banda Musicale Lao Silesu conducted by Simone Pittau. Please prepare for dark-towards-bright-cross-over music, reaching out to the unique grounds and sounds of Andrea's beloved Sardinia.....
October and november 2011 I have been working on "Sjtub". Score : woodwinds & brasses. Duration : approximately 12 minutes. "Sjtub" (matter - dust - black lung - collective memories) is the fifth movement of a pentaptych tribute to South-Limburg coal miners - Machines of Mourning - taking part in the combined arts project SJTUB. The world premiere performance took place on friday 30 may 2014 @ Highlite International BV Kerkrade. Performers : Koninklijk Harmonieorkest Kerkrade conducted by Guido Swelsen. Please prepare for a sad song heading towards a gradually collapsing soundscape.....
February and march 2011 I have been working on "Shanghai Sword Dance", commissioned by Philips Harmonie Eindhoven. Score : female dancer & wind band. Duration : approximately 9 minutes. The poem to describe the music has been written by Penny Tan. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 13 november 2011 @ Muziekgebouw Frits Philips Eindhoven. Performers : Anne Chantraine & Philips Harmonie Eindhoven conducted by Matty Cilissen. Please prepare for flashing moves and sounds with an Asian flavour.....
October 2010 I have been working on "Uaithne (Gaelic phonetics : "O-Enya") - the Harper of the Dagda". Score : amplified alto flute, baby blue electric harp & wind band. Duration : approximately 9 minutes. The research on Celtic mythology, as well as the musical main theme and chord patterns, have been provided by Sanna Severins. The world premiere performance took place on sunday 2 june 2013 @ Kunstwarenhuis VenD Kerkrade. Performers : Iris van Cleef, Liza Balyon & Philharmonie Sittard conducted by Ingeborg Stijnen. Please prepare for real contemporary music with a tribal groove and agressive sounds.....